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Neural Nettwork (ANN) Extension
You don't need to convert to binary - there are reasons why it may be more efficient for very large data sets, but not probably in SB.

If you are interested in binary representation of numbers (how they are actually stored internally), then this is a fun site which shows why the binary representation of 1 includes 3F as one of its bytes.  If not, then just use ascii and ignore the binary file option.


PS, if you don't convert to the binary format, them make sure you train with the binary flag "False" and pass in the ascii text file name, NeuralNetwork.ConvertFile(trainingDataText,trainingDataText,"False")

3f hex is a question mark!

LitDev sad: PS, if you don't convert to the binary format, them make sure you train with the binary flag "False" and pass in the ascii text file name, NeuralNetwork.ConvertFile(trainingDataText,trainingDataText,"False")

Also changing trainingdatabinary to trainingdatatext doesn't work. You get training set file doesn't exist. It needs that binary file even if it doesn't do anything.

3F is ? in ascii, but each number is stored as 8 bytes - this is just one of them - see the link I shared and read about binary representation of type 'double'.

It will work without the binary file when you only use the ascii file and don't pass the binary file name to the training, DWQZ710.000 - no use of any binary file.

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