07-29-2024, 05:00 PM
Generally yes, check with licensing if there is any - usually free software lets you use it however you like, sometimes with limitations on commercial use or that anything you do with it must also be opensource or include the original licensing message in your code or add a message crediting the original.
Probably not a lot of point adding an exact copy of an existing method, but segments of code to be included for a different purpose sounds good.
Usually I add a comment in the intellisense or documentation about where the original code came if its anything significant - passing a complete class or method off as your own when its just a verbatim copy is generally considered bad form.
Generally yes, check with licensing if there is any - usually free software lets you use it however you like, sometimes with limitations on commercial use or that anything you do with it must also be opensource or include the original licensing message in your code or add a message crediting the original.
Probably not a lot of point adding an exact copy of an existing method, but segments of code to be included for a different purpose sounds good.
Usually I add a comment in the intellisense or documentation about where the original code came if its anything significant - passing a complete class or method off as your own when its just a verbatim copy is generally considered bad form.