New Release :
As promised I added the function of returning output to zsprocessinfo.
while I was doing wayback machine of I download very old version and opened its small basic library and found two new classes:
Argument & Platform.
I transformed argument class to zsargument and it is fine through it you can get the command line arguments sent to exe.
but zsplatform had many error I tried to solve them but I am still not able to know it still I added it to extension it is used for invoking .net assembly methods.
if someone could figure out about it will be great help.
just start this application with any arguments from command line or any process extension.
As promised I added the function of returning output to zsprocessinfo.
while I was doing wayback machine of I download very old version and opened its small basic library and found two new classes:
Argument & Platform.
I transformed argument class to zsargument and it is fine through it you can get the command line arguments sent to exe.
but zsplatform had many error I tried to solve them but I am still not able to know it still I added it to extension it is used for invoking .net assembly methods.
if someone could figure out about it will be great help.
count = ZSArguments.Count
TextWindow.WriteLine("Arguments count: " + count)
For i = 0 To count - 1
arg = ZSArguments.GetArgument(i)
TextWindow.WriteLine("Argument[" + i + "]: " + arg)