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3D maze in browser controlled by Small Basic

Your ideas are very similar to mine about writing utilities to 'LookAbout' and 'MoveToCellCenter'.  

There are some challenges I had with this:

1] One is that 0 and 360 are the same direction which makes it harder to rotate to 0 as we have to rotate differently when approaching from 350 or 10 degrees, whereas rotation direction towards 180 is easily identified if we are at 170 or 190.

2] Another required funcion is to reliably move or rotate a small distance.

3] Another one, once you can LookAbout and MoveToCellCenter is what to keep track of and what possible directions to take so not to backtrack unless you are at a dead end.

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RE: 3D maze in browser controlled by Small Basic - by litdev - Yesterday, 10:07 AM

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