Updated again to improve small angle rotation accuracy (a few degrees), added a 'game' label to isolate different groups of robot players within a specific game, and added an Observer 'fly' user that can visualise a game from above the maze. These setting features now mean the environment is ready to start thinking about how to turn it into an AI challenge 'game' where AIs written in SB or indeed C# can compete.
The idea I have is a simple 'tag' game, where one robot is chasing and the others evade capture (both present in the same cell). When a robot is captured it will become the chaser with some simple scoring system. Only robots joining a named 'game' will take part in that game, and special human Observer users can see what is happening. The game bit is not written yet, but the infrastructure is ready for it I think. To run different robots on the same PC I use a different browser for each (e.g. Firefox, Chrome, Edge etc).
Hopefully there will be some robot AIs at some point - of course once we have at least one, more than one instance of it can be run at the same time in the same 'game'.
Any other game/objectives (single or multiple AIs) ideas welcome.
Also added (action=getAll) that will return basic data about all users present in your 'game' - QRHC107.000
The idea I have is a simple 'tag' game, where one robot is chasing and the others evade capture (both present in the same cell). When a robot is captured it will become the chaser with some simple scoring system. Only robots joining a named 'game' will take part in that game, and special human Observer users can see what is happening. The game bit is not written yet, but the infrastructure is ready for it I think. To run different robots on the same PC I use a different browser for each (e.g. Firefox, Chrome, Edge etc).
Hopefully there will be some robot AIs at some point - of course once we have at least one, more than one instance of it can be run at the same time in the same 'game'.
Any other game/objectives (single or multiple AIs) ideas welcome.
Also added (action=getAll) that will return basic data about all users present in your 'game' - QRHC107.000