Yeh thanks, that was a copy/paste typo
The async command only has the isReady action, an additional php is used for this due to issues of non-concurency/non-reentrancy etc for the main php server commands that would be harmed by internal delays since this same maze3D.php is called from js client and web user. I could split the client and web user calls to the server to use different server php calls and allow some web user calls to have delays in them, but may get confusing if a user makes another call wile a previous one is waiting - hence the non-concurency mutex lock currently used.
PS, I have updated but there seems some latency or other issue with my upload - my ISP recently moved server so I will wait a bit and investigate later.
Yeh thanks, that was a copy/paste typo
The async command only has the isReady action, an additional php is used for this due to issues of non-concurency/non-reentrancy etc for the main php server commands that would be harmed by internal delays since this same maze3D.php is called from js client and web user. I could split the client and web user calls to the server to use different server php calls and allow some web user calls to have delays in them, but may get confusing if a user makes another call wile a previous one is waiting - hence the non-concurency mutex lock currently used.
PS, I have updated but there seems some latency or other issue with my upload - my ISP recently moved server so I will wait a bit and investigate later.