The laguage conversion is done by machine translation so some will be odd!
The language code entry on the Advanced page is for language based xml (intellisense) only.
The language interface is controlled with the /l switch on startup, which sets an internal culture flag. It is possible that the OS sets this flag to the default culture on the PC. You can over-ride with the flag /l:en-gb for example.
I tried running from cmd with SB-Prime.exe /l:de-de and can reproduce crash so there is an issue here, I will try to trace .
I can see the bug in Shapes Editor - the code uses the selected shape lable to know what shape to add, when the language changes these it fails!
I have it fixed, but holding off upload just now as locale /l:en-gb should work for you and I am currently working on/testing an Aliases option for commands and methods.
The language code entry on the Advanced page is for language based xml (intellisense) only.
The language interface is controlled with the /l switch on startup, which sets an internal culture flag. It is possible that the OS sets this flag to the default culture on the PC. You can over-ride with the flag /l:en-gb for example.
I tried running from cmd with SB-Prime.exe /l:de-de and can reproduce crash so there is an issue here, I will try to trace .
I can see the bug in Shapes Editor - the code uses the selected shape lable to know what shape to add, when the language changes these it fails!
I have it fixed, but holding off upload just now as locale /l:en-gb should work for you and I am currently working on/testing an Aliases option for commands and methods.