I thought this may interest you, I found a SB chess program from around 2019 in my files - Unfortunately I can't remember who wrote it, but it's quite nice written by someone who clearly knows something about chess, CCBF116.000.
EDIT Based on database of historical SB forum files I think this was written originally by backtothestart, TKM405.
Also, if anyone fancies some 3D challenge, there are some nice free 3D chess pieces out there for fancy visualisation, below is some I had a go with.
I thought this may interest you, I found a SB chess program from around 2019 in my files - Unfortunately I can't remember who wrote it, but it's quite nice written by someone who clearly knows something about chess, CCBF116.000.
EDIT Based on database of historical SB forum files I think this was written originally by backtothestart, TKM405.
Also, if anyone fancies some 3D challenge, there are some nice free 3D chess pieces out there for fancy visualisation, below is some I had a go with.