I do remember the Data extension having a lot of stuff in it, but it was also copywrited and the dll was obfuscated (cannot easily be decompiled). Clearly the author didn't want it tampered with, so I wouldn't. Papa Lapub did collect a lot of stuff and was very helpful maintaining LitDev xml German translation, but I haven't heard from him since demise of old MS forum.
Some of the ones you have found links for (well done again) below:
Download, unblock, unzip, copy dlls and xml to lib folder.
ExText4SmallBasic by JSakamoto
IE4SmallBasic by JSakamoto
Maestro - some missing dlls and compiling issues - if anyone actually has this hardware I could work harder at it!
MoreOptions by Timo Sö
SquareBasic by Benedikt Muessig
SmallBasicFun - TeachingKidsProgramming
Use Tools->Search Extensions in SB-Prime to see API for these
I do remember the Data extension having a lot of stuff in it, but it was also copywrited and the dll was obfuscated (cannot easily be decompiled). Clearly the author didn't want it tampered with, so I wouldn't. Papa Lapub did collect a lot of stuff and was very helpful maintaining LitDev xml German translation, but I haven't heard from him since demise of old MS forum.
Some of the ones you have found links for (well done again) below:
Download, unblock, unzip, copy dlls and xml to lib folder.
ExText4SmallBasic by JSakamoto
IE4SmallBasic by JSakamoto
Maestro - some missing dlls and compiling issues - if anyone actually has this hardware I could work harder at it!
MoreOptions by Timo Sö
SquareBasic by Benedikt Muessig
SmallBasicFun - TeachingKidsProgramming
Use Tools->Search Extensions in SB-Prime to see API for these