04-06-2024, 12:35 PM
Its great for you to look at these C# code websites, but I think it may be frustrating if you cannot try them out. It will not be possible to port this kind of thing to Small Basic.
You use A 32 Bit Computer Windows 8.1 And 2gb RAM - this is going to be difficult.
How you proceed depends on your objectives:
1] Learn to program and have fun doing it - no problem: there is SB, Notepad++ with language extensions, command line compilers etc - how we all did it in the old days.
2] Create advanced graphical projects - difficult and frustrating, especially without modern IDEs even when you have good software development knowledge. There is no magic fix for this.
For example this image is of Notepad++ running console C# - Please be clear this does not mean you can easily copy in complex graphics C# programs and run them like in VS (objective 2), but you can learn to program in C# (objective 1)
Its great for you to look at these C# code websites, but I think it may be frustrating if you cannot try them out. It will not be possible to port this kind of thing to Small Basic.
You use A 32 Bit Computer Windows 8.1 And 2gb RAM - this is going to be difficult.
How you proceed depends on your objectives:
1] Learn to program and have fun doing it - no problem: there is SB, Notepad++ with language extensions, command line compilers etc - how we all did it in the old days.
2] Create advanced graphical projects - difficult and frustrating, especially without modern IDEs even when you have good software development knowledge. There is no magic fix for this.
For example this image is of Notepad++ running console C# - Please be clear this does not mean you can easily copy in complex graphics C# programs and run them like in VS (objective 2), but you can learn to program in C# (objective 1)