(translated by Google translator)
Hello again everyone!
Yesterday, when I was thinking about the process of training the AI Clients of the Snake game, I felt that a better choice would be to allow the Clients to rise to the top of fame in the same way as humans do.
That is, we must give Clients the opportunity to learn when they compete with opponents of the same strength as themselves.
After all, people who play sports participate not only in the World Championships and Olympic Games, but also in competitions between beginners, which are divided into different age groups.
Therefore, there is probably no need to create a special Training Mode for Clients.
I think it is better to create a software “mechanism” that will display the strength of the Client based on the Statistics of his practical success.
These Statistics may have special names for each level of the AI Athlete. For example, “First category”, “Second category”, “Candidate for Master of Sports”, “Master of Sports”, “Master of Sports of International Class”, “World Champion” and “Olympic Games Champion”.
Thus, as in the FIFA football simulator in the Football Manager mode, in our Championship the creators of SB athletes will be able to create and “educate” individual sports “Stars” and entire sports teams.
After all, our Small Basic allows you to create not only the game “Snake”, but also other wonderful sports for Artificial Intelligence, which perhaps we cannot even imagine yet.
The main thing is that the game should be created using only Small BASIC and official extensions without inline code.