LitDev Extension API

GW LD3DView LDArray LDBits LDBlueTooth
LDCall LDChart LDClient LDClipboard LDColours
LDCommPort LDController LDControls LDCursors LDDataBase
LDDateTime LDDebug LDDialogs LDDictionary LDEffect
LDEmail LDEncryption LDEvents LDFastArray LDFastShapes
LDFigures LDFile LDFinances LDFocus LDftp
LDGeography LDGraph LDGraphicsWindow LDHashTable LDHID
LDIcon LDImage LDInline LDIOWarrior LDList
LDLogic LDMath LDMathX LDMatrix LDMusic
LDNetwork LDPhysics LDProcess LDQueue LDRegex
LDResources LDScrollBars LDSearch LDServer LDSettings
LDShapes LDShell LDSort LDSound LDSpeech
LDStatistics LDStopwatch LDText LDTextWindow LDTimer
LDTranslate LDUnits LDUtilities LDVector LDWaveForm
LDWebCam LDWindows LDxml LDZip TW

Performs statistics on a 1D array of data.

Count Differentiate DistBinomial
DistNormal DistTriangular DistUniform
Frequency GeometricMean HarmonicMean
Integrate InterpolateX InterpolateY
Max Mean Median
Min Mode PDev
SDev SetArray Sum

The number of data points.

Calculate the derivative of a 1D data array.
array The array to differentiate (array[x]=y).
returns A 1D array of the Derivative of the input array.

Create an array with a Binomial distribution.

This is like the probablity of getting k heads from 20 (n) coin tosses, with a probablity for each toss getting a heads of 0.5 (p).

n The number of tries.
p The probablity of success for each try.
returns A 1D array of the Binomial distribution, probablity of k successes (Array[k] = y).

Create an array with a Normal distribution.
distMean The mean of the distribution.
distSTD The standard deviation of the distribution.
size The number of points.
returns A 1D array of the Normal distribution (Array[x] = y).

Create an array with a Triangular distribution.
rangeMin The minimum value.
rangeMax The maximum value.
size The number of points.
returns A 1D array of the Triangular distribution (Array[x] = y).

Create an array with a Uniform distribution.
rangeMin The minimum value.
rangeMax The maximum value.
size The number of points.
returns A 1D array of the Uniform distribution (Array[x] = y).

Calculate a frequency distribution from array of data.
array The array to create the frequency distribution from.
bins The number of bins spanning the data.
normalised Is the frequency normalised to integrate to 1 ("True" or "False").
returns Frequency distribution as an array (array[bin]=frequency).

The geometric mean of the data points (all points > 0).

The harmonic mean of the data points (all points > 0).

Calculate the integral of a 1D data array.
array The array to integrate (array[x]=y).
returns A 1D array of the Integral of the input array.

Interpolate a 1D data array to find the value of x(y).

The values of y should be monotonically increasing with x.

array The array to interpolate (array[x]=y).
y The value of y (may be an array of y values).
returns The interpolated value x or an array of x values.

Interpolate a 1D data array to find the value of y(x).

The values of x should be monotonically increasing.

array The array to interpolate (array[x]=y).
x The value of x (may be an array of x values).
returns The interpolated value y or an array of y values.

The maximum value of the data points.

The arithmetic mean of the data points.

The median of the data points.

The minimum value of the data points.

The mode of the data points.

The population deviation of the data points.

The standard deviation of the data points.

Set a 1D array of numbers to perform some statistics on.

This command must be called before any statistics are calculated.

array The array to perform statistics on.
returns An array of the data sorted.

The sum of data points.

The sum of the squares of the data points.