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Creation of SB-Neuron. Ou...
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Added this forum in Wikip...
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03-26-2025, 11:57 AM
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03-23-2025, 11:08 AM
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3D maze in browser contro...
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some help - part one
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03-22-2025, 09:16 AM
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AI learns Small Basic
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03-15-2025, 03:37 AM
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LDdictionary not working
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02-27-2025, 04:17 PM
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Challenge 12 - Rotating t...
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Small basic feature.
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02-24-2025, 10:22 AM
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Small Basic 1.2 |
Posted by: jrmrhrb00 - 11-23-2024, 12:26 AM - Forum: Standard Small Basic
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I was doing a little research on small basic. Level 1.2 was released on Oct. 1, 2015. Small Basic was actually an idea way back in 2008. That is when Microsoft started developing it. To see how I figured this out in your url type "Way Back Machine". It will load a web page. Then click on Wayback Machine again. It loads a new page and from it, it wants you to enter a url. Type in Smallbasic.com.at the top of that it shows a calendar. The first entries for the calendar start in 2008.
If you select one of the entries in the calendar it will bring up a smallbasic.com webpage. Look at that page and find where it says "need help". Click on that and it takes you into the old forum. Some of the links work in the forum and some don't. It depends on if it was archived. So, we can get into some parts of the old forum through the "Way Back Machine"! The "Way Back Machine" is basically an archive of what was on the internet at that point in time. Not everything was archived, but a lot of it was.
SB.js |
Posted by: z-s - 11-22-2024, 05:51 AM - Forum: Discussion
- Replies (6)
this is work in progress for SB.js for executing the sb on browser.
put your sb code in the div section:
PHP Code: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <title>SB.js Executor</title> </head> <body> <h1>SB.js Executor</h1>
<!-- Small Basic code goes here --> <div class="SB"> x = 2 ar_ind = 1 y = 3 * x TextWindow.WriteLine(y) hello[ar_ind] = "hii" TextWindow.WriteLine(hello[1]) </div>
<script> arrays = [] // Run the SB code when the page loads window.onload = runSBCode;
// Main execution function function runSBCode() { // Extract code from the div with class "SB" const codeDiv = document.querySelector(".SB"); const code = codeDiv.textContent.trim().split("\n").map(line => line.trim()); // Split by newline const arrayRegex = /([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\[\s*([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\s*\]/;
code.forEach(line => { if (line) {
const arrayMatch = line.match(arrayRegex); if (arrayMatch) { const arrayName = arrayMatch[1]; // Extract array name if (!arrays.includes(arrayName)) { eval(`${arrayName} = []`); // Initialize the array arrays.push(arrayName); // Store the array name } }
// Check if the line is a TextWindow.WriteLine command if (line.startsWith("TextWindow.WriteLine")) { // Extract the content within the parentheses const match = line.match(/TextWindow\.WriteLine\((.*)\)/); if (match) { const content = match[1].trim(); // Replace TextWindow.WriteLine with console.log const jsCode = `console.log(${content})`; eval(jsCode); // Execute the JavaScript code } } else { // If it's just a normal SB code line, try to eval it directly try { eval(line); // Execute the Small Basic line as JavaScript } catch (e) { console.log(`Error in executing: ${line} - ${e.message}`); } } } }); } </script> </body> </html>
and see the result in console but only array ,variables and TextWindow.WriteLine() is currently working nothing else.
good ui and more coming soon.
LDArray extension |
Posted by: Yumda - 11-17-2024, 10:05 PM - Forum: Extensions
- Replies (17)
Hi All...
This may seem like a dumb question... but
Having trouble understanding how to use the LDarray extension. There is no examples, do you think you can give me some example?
I am having trouble to even create one using the ldarray extension, normal Sb array is fine, but just don't seem to get ldarray to work.
Thanks you all for helping and your time in advance.
Challenge 9 - Quick sort |
Posted by: litdev - 10-28-2024, 08:41 AM - Forum: Challenges
- Replies (54)
Implement quicksort algorithm and sort 1000 random numbers.
Interesting to see if it's easier the usual way understanding the algorithm and writing the code or getting AI to do it for you?
Challenge 8 - Drag n Drop |
Posted by: litdev - 10-20-2024, 12:19 PM - Forum: Challenges
- Replies (7)
Make a Drag and Drop feature using the Mouse buttons to position a GraphicsWindow shape (Rectangle).
Extend it to rotate the shape when Shift key is down.
SmallBasic Open Edition |
Posted by: KristianVirtanen - 10-13-2024, 04:41 PM - Forum: C# Moving from Small Basic
- Replies (21)
This project (SmallBasic Open Edition) is part of a larger whole, where the goal is to recreate Microsoft SmallBasic, at least in its main features.
The first phase of the project, which is exactly this, is to create the same classes as in SmallBasic: Text, Math, GraphicsWindow, and so on. The project is mostly complete, although types for variables, some small tests, and so on are still required.
Note: The classes Array, Flickr, and Dictionary have not been created.
Array is missing because I have not yet decided on the final way the future compiler will handle arrays. I have a couple of different solutions for this, but I haven’t had time to decide yet.
Flickr is missing because I am simply not very familiar with this service, and their API is completely unknown to me.
Dictionary is a class I’m not sure if I want to spend time on, at least not personally.
Unlike the original SmallBasic, Open Edition converts SmallBasic code into the C# programming language and compiles it afterward. This brings significant advantages in terms of memory management, speed, and extensibility.
Variables will function mostly the same way as in the original SmallBasic. This is made possible by C#’s dynamic. However, the idea is that variables will require a suffix of "$" at the end of their names. Not only does this make the programs easier to compile, but I also believe it helps distinguish variables and makes coding a bit easier.
The program that tokenizes and converts SmallBasic code into C# is also mostly done. However, at the moment, it's more like a pile of sticks rather than a well-designed and structured program, so its release will be more appropriate at a later time.
Example SmallBasic program:
Code: ' Example Smallbasic program
x$ = 1
y$ = 2
c$ = "Foo"
TextWindow.WriteLine(x$ + y$ + c$)
Goto MyLabel:
TextWindow.WriteLine("I'm never printed.")
Sub SayHello
Converted to C#:
Code: // Converted as C#
namespace SmallBasicOpenEditionDll
public static class SB_Program
// Declare dynamic variables (similar to Smallbasic's dynamic typing)
public static dynamic x = 1;
public static dynamic y = 2;
public static dynamic c = "Foo";
// Entry point of the program
public static void Main()
// Equivalent of TextWindow.WriteLine(x$ + y$ + c$)
TextWindow.WriteLine(x + y + c);
// Call the method SayHello()
// This line will not be executed
Goto MyLabel:
TextWindow.WriteLine("I'm never printed.");
// The equivalent of SmallBasic's subroutine 'SayHello'
public static void SayHello()
Note: I work with this while I am working with two job's and such, so this will not move forward in fast speed. Help is appreciated here. Let me know